Friday, January 30, 2009

The Day That Alan Liked My Choice!

Today was D-Day on the book that I have chosen, there were a few books that I wanted to do but one stood out above the rest; this was The Untouchables by Elliot Ness. I spoke to Alan about the other books but he wasn't too keen on them as they were more documentary rather than narrative-based. Then I mentioned The Untouchables and he liked the choice. This book has already been turned into a film driected by Brian De Palma. We talked about what angles we could approach the work from; we agreed that it should take the form of a game trailer. We also agreed that I would use the book as a source rather than the film. All I need to do now is find a copy of the book, whcih shouldn't be that ard. I don't know what type of game trailer i will make yet, I need to read the book first.

Monday, January 26, 2009

1st Day of are 15 week project

Today we were given our solo fifteen week project, Alan gave us a brief description of what he wanted to see over the course of the fifteen weeks. He wanted us to pick a book and either make a game trailer/cinematic trailer or both. He showed us saome example of what the industry has made; for example the Godfather was a book and was then made into a film, then EA Games took the film and made it into a video game. This is the process he wanted to see and we had until friday to decide where we were going to take the project.

Friday came around and I had two very solid ideas; one was to do a WWE style pro-mo and combine green-screen with 3D effects and a backstoy of played-out mini-fights. The other idea was to do a mafia game trailer and base it around how Las Vegas was built. I took these ideas to Alan, he wasn't too keen on the WWE idea, so we went with the Mafia idea. He also liked the 'how Vegas was built' idea, but he said I needed to find a book to back up this idea. He says that I have until next Friday to come up with a book and have an idea of what sort of trailer i want to do, so i'm off to look at books.